A belated but very heart felt thank you to Graydancer http://www.graydancer.com/ and the attendees/organizers of the Vancouver GrUE (Graydancer’s Ropetastic Unconference Extravaganza). (As I understand it an unconference does not bring in specific presenters ~ any attendee can choose to present on a topic of interest/expertise to them.)
As some of you may know, GrUE was here in Vancouver in the beginning of March. What you may not know is that it is a not for profit organization ~ and when they have $ left over at the end of a conference Graydancer donates it to someone. As most of the time presenters have to pay to go to the conferences they present at, he asks the attendees to put forward a local presenter, who did not attend GrEU, who deserves to be paid for NOT coming. The idea being that the money will then help them with future workshops.
Thank you GrUE for choosing me ~ it was quite a surprise and I am honored and very touched.